The data in Table 1 is from follow-up research with three plants in the southeast. It shows how scores on conceptual ability compare with ILT throughput. Conceptual ability is the part of our assessment that is used to predict classroom success. Scores are on a one to four scale, with four being the highest score.
Table 1. Conceptual Ability Scores and ILT Success
Conceptual Ability | Pass | Fail |
3.2 and higher | 100% | 0% |
2.8 to 3.19 | 60% | 40% |
2.0 to 2.79 | 57% | 43% |
Below 2.0 | 37% | 63% |
Table 1 shows that higher conceptual ability scores are correlated with higher probabilities of successful completion of initial license training. The data also shows that very high levels of throughput can be achieved by using SRO Success to be more selective in hiring. Additional validity evidence and the details on how to get started with SRO Success are available from Dr. Gary Kaufman, (615) 822-4979.